Monday, May 16, 2011

My Christmas In May

Last Friday I woke up as euphoric as a young child on Christmas morning.  I couldn't sleep in anticipation of my planned trip that day to pick up my best Craigslist find ever.  We took my mom's truck and drove two hours away to pick up glass and glass supplies that filled up the back of her full size truck.  

It was so worth the drive!  I spent the weekend oogling all my new glass.  There were gorgeous blues, purples, reds, oranges, and pinks...I still haven't cataloged everything.  Here's the pictures he posted, but it didn't even include everything.  Missing from the pictures was 14 large size pieces of glass (24 in or larger).  I am so grateful for this great find!  Thank you God, and thank you Mom for sending me the craigslist post.  

1 comment:

  1. Oooh Lisa...I'm so excited for you!!! What a great find!
